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Have you ever wanted a simple reference guide, one that quickly describes exactly what each of these Farragut events and programs are? Here it is – the ABCs of Farragut Events & Programs!


Ashley Cain & Shea Andreone

Co-Presidents, Farragut PTA |


Ann Frederick & Ross Piro
Co-Presidents, Farragut Fan Club |


The month of April is when Farragut celebrates Artworks!, the school’s major annual fundraiser consisting of three programs: Community Arts Day, the Grown- Ups Only Fundraiser, and Auction. Artworks! allows us to provide extensive and high-quality arts education as the funds raised through Artworks! provides essential programs such as: bi-weekly visual arts instruction for all grades; arts education for each grade featuring programs like Drama Education Network, We Tell Stories and Symphonic Jazz Orchestra; and new technological equipment including new teacher laptops and Chromebooks and iPads for students.

Community Arts Day: Community Arts Day is a free, family-friendly, daytime event celebrating
the visual and performing arts through hands-on workshops, performances, art happenings and more. Each student also gets to showcase one piece of their artwork.

Grown-Ups Only Fundraiser: The Artworks! grown-ups only fundraiser is a fun evening for adults with music, dinner, and silent and live auctions.

Auction: The Artworks! Auction includes more than 200 items including fine art, gift cards, tickets to museums and sporting events, video games, DVDs, and special experiences.


There are two types of assemblies:

Monthly Morning Assemblies: These are held on the first Monday of the month on the blacktop, starting in September. The principal makes key school-wide announcements to students and selects students who have earned PAWS tickets. Parents are strongly encouraged to stay for each month’s assembly as important announcements are made that impact students and families alike.

Student Only Assemblies: Student only assemblies are PTA sponsored performances during the school day for all children. Artists perform from The Music Center, Symphonic Jazz Orchestra, We Tell Stories and many more. Students attend in groups, divided by grades (multiple grades grouped together). Parents are invited to volunteer at these events – 6–8 volunteers at each performance.

Back-To-School Night

This event is a great night for parents to go into their child’s classroom and hear their teacher speak about what your child and his/her classmates will focus on during the year. Parents can ask questions and meet and mingle with other parents in your classroom. Following the in-classroom meeting, everyone convenes in the Cafeteria where the principal speaks, and PTA, Fan Club and CCEF share details about important programs and upcoming events. This is a parent-only event.

Back-To-School Picnic

The first event of the school year, the Back-To-School Picnic welcomes all Farragut Families to reconnect with each other and hear from the principal about exciting plans for the upcoming school year. The Picnic also includes a special Kindergarten orientation where those families can meet the Kindergarten teachers and ask questions to former Kindergarten parents.

Backpack Program

CCUSD runs a weekly backpack program to ensure that every child can eat on the weekends. Each week, backpacks are filled with non-perishable food and snacks for children to take home over the weekend. There is no cost for Farragut families to participate and enrollment is 100% confidential. Children return backpacks to school by Tuesday so that they can be refilled for Friday pick up.

Bingo Night

A Farragut tradition! Usually held in January, everyone is welcome to come and enjoy dinner, homemade baked treats, a raffle and lots of games of Bingo in the cafeteria.

Book Fair

Farragut hosts two Book Fairs during the school year. Load up your kids’ brains with amazing books while adding to the PTA fund and supporting our school library! New books in the Library circulation benefit ALL of our fabulous little Foxes. The Book Fair takes over the whole library and each class visits the Fair and brings home their wish lists. Families can shop anytime - before and after school as well as on one evening shopping night.


Career Day

Career Day gives our students a glimpse of the multitude of careers available to them. In the past, we have had writers, librarians, CEOs, fire chiefs, actors and stay-at-home parents come and talk about what they do. It is a half-day event and we hope you can share your career with our future stars. Snacks and beverages are provided for participants and you can speak to one class or more for 15 minutes each.

Choir & Bell Concerts

Our retired first grade teacher, Mrs. Eskridge, continues to teach choir and bells. Twice a year, around Christmas and in the spring, the children will perform all that they have learned. It is a lovely, festive evening full of joy and pride.

Community Arts Day

See Artworks!

Direct Donation Campaign

The Direct Donation Campaign is our annual direct fundraising effort that kicks off on the first day of school. Farragut sets a fundraising goal each year to help our kids soar through education and enrichment classes. Our goal is to raise $100,000 this year - with 100% participation by all Farragut families. There is NO MINIMUM donation. Money raised through Direct Donation allows us to provide exciting programs for our children – including art, drama, music, computers, technology, garden and nutrition, dance and Spanish instruction.


FAAST classes are Farragut’s after-school enrichment classes. There are two sessions each year. They are open to all students; however, some classes are specifically for certain grade levels. More information about FAAST classes and the link to sign-up is available through the PTA/Farragut Fan Club website at

FAAST Showcase

FAAST showcase is a fun filled 60-90 minute show featuring all of our performing arts classes from FAAST (after school enrichment classes). Showcase includes acts such as Musical Theater, Storybook Theater, Broadway Beatz and more. FAAST Showcase takes place twice a year on a Friday night.

Fall Festival

Held in October, Farragut’s Fall Festival is an annual event that truly brings the entire staff, parents, students and the community together to celebrate the season. Fall Festival features: a fall/Halloween- themed carnival, including special game or activity booths created by each class; bouncy houses; haunted houses; a massive bake sale and chili cook off; a boutique with handmade wares for sale; and special performances (music, dance, singing, magic to name a few) all day on the main stage. It is a day where everyone volunteers, even for just an hour. Everyone is welcome so bring your friends and family for an action-packed day of fun.

Fox Trot

The Fox Trot is an annual event where all Farragut students jog laps around the field to raise money for Farragut. This is a big fundraiser for the school – students can ask their friends and family to sponsor them either per lap or a flat donation for participation. Typically held in March, students are grouped by grade and enjoy fun music and hand stamps as they rack up their laps.

Game Night

Another great free night for parents and students to get together at school! We have 25-30 games around the Cafeteria that kids and adults can play together. Food trucks typically offer dinner, and a bake sale will provide lots of sweet treats.


Farragut has an amazing Garden at the back of the blacktop. The Garden Foxes invite everyone to visit and help tend the Garden at any time! Help kids plant fall and spring crops. When it is harvest time, all students come and pick their crops and make their own salad. The Garden always needs volunteers to weed and maintain the Garden.

Green5 Initiative

Green5 is the CCUSD districtwide co-curricular education initiative focused on environmental and sustainability awareness and aims to help our kids become globally responsible citizens. Green5 stands for the 5 R’s of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Ride and Rethink! The program involves an assembly in fall, periodically helping kids learn how to sort waste at lunchtime, Earth Week activities in spring and more. The program needs volunteers and this is an easy and fun way to get involved.

Growing Great Nutrition Program

All Farragut Foxes in Grades 3-5 benefit from a series of five nutrition education lessons from a trained instructor utilizing a curriculum from Growing Great (, a non-profit organization that promotes healthy food choices through our hands-on education programs. Possible lessons include “Feed Your Engines: Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates,” “Label Busters” and “Kids and Advertising.”

Home Reading & Writing Program

The Home Reading & Writing Program encourages students to read and write outside the classroom on a regular basis. Students track their reading daily in a log and are given a creative writing template that changes each month, such as a book jacket, a comic strip and a postcard. Prizes are awarded to keep reading and writing fun!

Honorary Service Awards (HSA)

The annual Honorary Service Awards (HSA) is conducted by the Culver City Council of PTAs to honor and celebrate exceptional people and organizations that go out of their way to educate, enrich and inspire our Culver City kids. Nominations for Honorary Service awards occur in January and honorees are announced at a dinner and show in April.

International Week

This week long festival is a celebration of all of the cultures represented at Farragut from around the world. The week includes a cultural museum in the school library, individual classroom discussions of different countries, and a spirit day which invites children to wear clothes from around the world. The week concludes with an International night of food, festivities and entertainment.

Kindergarten Liaison Program

This program aims to ease all new families’ transition into Farragut by having a current Farragut parent as a point person and guide. One of Farragut’s biggest strengths is its community; this program is a bridge into that community for those just arriving at Farragut. This program features a dedicated Facebook group and special social events.

Movie Nights

Farragut hosts 1-2 movie nights a year, featuring G or PG-rated films and lots of family-friendly fun! We sell pizza, popcorn, drinks and snacks before and during the movie. Everyone is invited to bring low beach chairs, pillows, blankets, put on PJs and watch the movie in the Cafeteria.


If parents drive to school, they must park in the neighborhood. The parking lot next to Farragut supports six schools, with the majority of the parking spots assigned to staff members. There are only a handful of visitor parking spots. Parents are encouraged to be respectful of the signs and not park in assigned parking spots. Instead of parking on the street, parents should consider taking part in the Walk To School program! Walk, scooter or bike with your child, or get a group together and walk to school. This not only alleviates traffic congestion, but it also supports healthy living!

Popsicle Sales

Everyone loves popsicles. So on the first Wednesday of each month, timed with the monthly School Spirit Day, Outshine Fruit Bar popsicles are sold right after school at 1:45 pm for $1 each on the inside grassy area by the school office. Yum!

PTA/Fan Club Monthly Meetings

PTA/Fan Club meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month during the school year – either at 6:30 pm in the Library or 8:50 am in the Cafeteria (rotating schedule). Everyone is welcome to attend as this is an excellent opportunity to learn about exactly what’s happening at Farragut, including financial allocations, program additions/revisions, etc., and have a voice in those decisions. Child care (including a pizza dinner for evening meetings!) is provided in an adjacent classroom. Please attend and take an active role in our Farragut Fox community!

Red Ribbon Week

Observed in late October, this national campaign taking a stand against drugs gives Farragut students and families a chance to talk about healthy lifestyle choices in general. Farragut celebrates Red Ribbon Week in a variety of ways, including Wear Red Day, a coloring contest, and lots of other fun activities!


Reflections is a creative arts competition sponsored by the state and national PTA. All students are invited to participate and submit original artwork in any of the following six areas: Dance/Choreography; Literature; Photography; Film Production; Music Composition; and Visual Arts. After the judging process is complete, all submitted artwork is displayed for students, staff and parents to appreciate before the winning entries are sent to the district level for the next round of judging. Winners at the District level have the chance to compete at the State and National levels. This year’s theme is Heroes Around Me and projects are due in mid-October.

Room Parents

Each classroom has at least one volunteer Room Parent whose job it is to coordinate volunteer needs, organize teacher gifts, and communicate important school information to the parents in your class. Have a question? Your Room Parent is a good person to ask!

School Beautification Day

Roll up your sleeves for a fun-filled work day scheduled in the beginning of the school year when the whole Farragut community joins together to clean up the campus. Our Foxy community cares about the school and wants to take great care of it!

School Dance

For the past six years we have had a wonderful family dance held in the cafeteria. We have had many themes: country western, 50’s sock hop, Under The Sea Prom as well as a great Halloween dance. This is another free, fun and festive event.

School Picture Day

This is the day where student portraits and class photos are taken for the new school year. It usually occurs in early/mid September. There is also a make-up day for any student who was absent that day, enrolled late, or a retake is needed. This usually occurs a month after the original picture day. In addition, after the beginning of the year the Club/Group as well as the 5th Grade Graduation photos are taken.

School Spirit Days

Hawaiian Day, Pajama Day, Stuffed Animal Day – these are just some of the themes for Farragut’s school spirit days! Organized by Student Council, students are encouraged to join in the fun on the first Wednesday of each month.

Science Fair/Science Night

Scheduled for February each year, Farragut’s Science Fair is a fun and thoughtful introduction to science for our students. Students will showcase science projects during the week and at the family Science Night where everyone is invited to also experience fascinating science experiments and activities.


Farragut Fan Club is proud to introduce Spanish to our students. Children have the option of taking a Spanish language class at little/no additional cost. Spanish classes are a fun introduction to learning a new language through music, games and fun. Classes are designated by grade levels and meet twice a week in the mornings before school.


Spiritwear is our line of fashionable clothing that features multiple Farragut logo designs. It offers a fantastic assortment for kids and adults including shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, license plate holders and caps. You can only purchase Spiritwear at the beginning at the year, so don’t miss your opportunity to show your Fox pride!

Sports Day

Held each year in June, on Sports Day the whole school gets together to compete in a series of fun relay races. It’s a morning filled with rolling tires, two-legged races, an obstacle course, and more!

Student Council

Farragut’s Student Council is comprised of thirty-six students (including a president, vice president, and secretary) from Grades 3-5 that are chosen by their

fellow classmates and teacher for being responsible, respectful, and following directions. Student Council member’s jobs include helping kids stay quiet and respectful in the hallways, planning spirit days, and helping with school fundraisers. School spirit includes Western Day, Crazy Hair Day, Aloha Day, and many more fun events. All members collaborate and work together in relaying school events to their buddies classes and wear their Farragut Fox Spiritwear every Friday. Being part of Student Council is a wonderful experience for students to play an active role in the school community and developing leadership skills.

Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts & Teacher Appreciation Week

Each grade hosts a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast, starting with 5th grade in October and finishing with Kindergarten in May. Classes in each grade sign up to bring specific items from a provided list in order to make a wonderful breakfast for Farragut teachers and staff. Please note, each grade hosts only once, and for the entire staff, not just your child’s grade level. Then in early May, Farragut celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week with a Luncheon and other events throughout the week.

Walk ‘N Rollers

Walk ‘N Rollers is an organization that encourages kids to walk, bike, skate or scoot to school. Farragut participates in national events twice a year to help bring awareness to the community by providing safety tips and routes to get your kids walking and biking to school. We have a monthly healthy competition for the highest number of walker/riders/rollers to encourage families to get out of their cars at least three to five blocks from school.

Watch D.O.G.S. (Car Drop-Off Program)

Watch D.O.G.S. is Farragut’s car drop-off program, helping to manage the dropping off of Farragut students in the morning in front of the school. We’re looking to restart this program in the 2018/19 school year. Watch D.O.G.S. was implemented at Farragut at the end of the 2013 school year in hopes of alleviating the traffic congestion in front of the school.

Welcome Back Coffee

Everyone kicks off the first day of school by joining other Farragut parents, grandparents and other caretakers for free coffee and breakfast in the cafeteria. This is the event where volunteers can sign up to become Room Parents as well as meet members of the Farragut PTA and Fan Club.


The Yearbook comes out at the end of the year and is filled with wonderful photos throughout the year ranging from Halloween and school spirit days, to clubs, field trips and many other school events. It’s highly recommended to order one when the form comes out in March so that kids are happy to receive one at the end of the year. Great, high resolution photos of school only events should be sent to the Yearbook Committee (

  • Farragut PTA Facebook
  • Farragut Fan Club Twitter
  • Farragut Fan Club Instagram

Farragut PTA and Fan Club

10820 Farragut Drive

Culver City, CA 90230

(310) 842-4323

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